8 Small Youtubers I Love

Grab Shiny isn’t the only youtube channel in the world obviously. We’ve been inspired by many of the greats like PewDiePie, Markiplier, Super Best Friends Play, and more. What about the little guys though? What about some of the greats that have yet to be discovered. There are so many we love, but for now here are just 8 who we just can’t stop watching.


Via Arctos – Youtube (Fair Use)

Arctos is truly one of my favorites channels on youtube. She plays some of the more interesting indie games and some of the most terrifying horror games. Her witty commentary makes her playthroughs stand out above a lot of others. She also does other really funny videos like her hilarious “Guess the Wikihow” videos. She’s a class act and a channel you got to check out.


Via Tj Plays – Youtube (Fair Use)

Tj Plays doesn’t get enough respect. As of writing this he sits at 25 subscribers, and that my friends in an injustice. His Morrowind and Pokemon videos have been entertaining. Even if he does kill every single quest giver in Morrowind. He’s recently started Minecraft and has playing a new game each Wednesday. Tj also live streams. Recently he’s been streaming himself making a game live. I highly recommend everyone check it out.


Via Erries Play- Youtube (Fair Use)

Erries Plays is a great channel to get invested in for hours. He leans more toward survival games, multiplayer, and tower defense games. Which are all fantastic genres to get sucked into. Erries provides funny and thoughtful commentary to help guide you along the way. Spoilers. Erries dies. He dies a lot.


Via In Vivd Color – Youtube (Fair Use)

In_Vivid_Color is that lovely creature in between Ditto and Emmy. I know the image makes him look like a psychopath, but he’s really just a chill dude who loves him some Pokemon. His Nuzlocke series have a really unique “why me” sense of humor and I love it. He also does other videos like this one where he picks out a Pokemon and decides if he would fight it or give up. He also streams Pokemon WiFi battles and shiny giveaways! Awesome dude and awesome channel.


Via AMX Gaming – Youtube (Fair Use)

AMX is one of the most genuine people I’ve met on youtube. He’s real with his fans and real in his videos. Notice the intense fear as he faces down a monster. Truly terrified. AMX is also a really gifted editor. For someone his size, his videos are some of the most snappy and well edited videos around. AMX plays horror games, creepy anime girl games, indie games, and so much more. Truly a channel of variety. Check him out.


Via Gigafyte – Youtube (Fair Use)

Gigafyte! What a great time to talk about her since we were just talking about well edited videos. The first time I saw a Gigafyte video I opened up Adobe Premiere and said myself “dammit, I have to do better!” She is a phenomenal editor and makes better videos than people with thousands of subs past her. At the moment she only does one video a week, but each one is so perfectly made you’ll love it for sure. Also, look at her trying to cover her eyes from the scares. We’ve all been there. It’s too funny.


Via Super Horror Bros – Youtube (Fair Use)

Super Horror Bros play exactly what you would think they would. Do you like to be scared? Do you like to watch other people be scared? Well then this is the right place for you. Their reactions are priceless for each and every scare. The editing is so on point too. I can only imagine each episode taking days to edit. Each little close up, screen shake, and text added makes the videos even better. Just right now I opened this video to get a the image and now I’m watching a bunch of their videos.


Via Omyspy – Youtube (Fair Use)

OmySpy is a channel I started while ago. I started with his Goosebumps videos which are incredible. His commentary comes across as very relaxed and at ease. He is really enjoying the game and has a lot to say about them. We recently did a collaboration with him that you should check out to get to know him better. Check it out here!

But hey, that’s only 8 youtubers who I think do a great job. I’m subscribed to dozens that I think are incredible. I just want to show off 8 for the moment. What youtubers do you like? Let us know in the comments below.

While you are at it, how about you check out our channel for more awesome gaming videos.

7 thoughts on “8 Small Youtubers I Love

  1. Thanks for the recommendations, I’ve found a few new subscriptions out of them. Small YouTubers have a very hard time these days. If they want to make anything off of their content they have to break 10,000 subs, and even then their videos might get demonitized if they aren’t deemed family friendly.

    It’s good to see smaller channels putting out great fresh content. It’s good to see fresh faces getting into the scene.


    1. To be clear you only have to break 10,000 lifetime views to get access to advertisements on your channel. Not 10,000 subs.

      But yeah, the demonitization problems need to be corrected. They seem to be pulling the trigger on to many legit channels right now.


  2. I wish it was easier to find smaller you tubers channels. The interaction with subscribers is just so much better. Its a shame what youtube is going trough right now with the whole add boycott thing hope it turns around soon.


  3. I’m very new to using Youtube as a social media site, and newer yet to understanding it as a marketing tool for business. It’s great to see someone genuinely appreciating small Youtubers. It gives me hope for where I might be as a vlogger in the future, and I know I’ve quickly become a fan of many creative people just through the exercises required in my social media class. I also learned about the 10,000 followers rule for ads just by reading the comments here. Info I was looking for. Nice read!



  4. Small YouTubers UNITE! I love smaller channels, they are just so much better than some of the big time gaming channels. A lot more real and a lot more personal. With any luck though, someday we will both be big timers!


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